Savings are in Bloom right here!
What is this?
You can now purchase the Mini Stampin' and Cut Embossing Machine for 20% off
AND to go along with this great offer, you can also purchase 13 different bundles that coordinate with this machine
Click here to download the list of bundles
Be sure and watch this video
Now that you've seen the video, you can go to my online store and purchase your mini machine today
Click here to go directly to my online store and place your order today
Once you are done shopping, use HOSTESS CODE G4J6Q3XK
and receive a gift from me
You can enter the hostess code on the Shopping Cart Page (top right)
Just copy and paste it into the box and click "Apply"
If your order is over $150, do NOT use the Hostess Code as you will received Hostess Benefits!
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