Have YOU thought about hosting a workshop - either in your home or virtually?
From now through November 9th if you host a workshop and your party is $300 you will receive an EXTRA 3% in Stampin' Rewards! A great way to get FREE PRODUCTS!!
Thinking about a virtual party?
Contact me and I can set you up with a "Hostess" code and then contact your friends and let them know you are placing an order and see if they need anything to make their Christmas cards
They can place their orders through my online store and have their orders sent directly to them - and YOU can receive the benefits. Just give them the Hostess Code I will provide for you; they place their orders and enter your Workshop Hostess Code.....simple as that! You don't even need to clean house!!
And....if you would LIKE to have a literal workshop, I would be happy to come to your home and have a fun night making projects!
Contact me TODAY to schedule your literal or virtual workshop!
541-390-3390 (call/text)